IO1 - A report

This output will consist of an analytical report referring to different aspects of the issue at stake with regards to energy efficiency and concrete constructions.
The main goal is to have a clearer picture of the situation concerning the renovation of concrete buildings which covers various points including thermal renovation, upgrading to standards related - among others - to energy efficiency, adaptation to lifestyles, air quality and health. In a context of aging housing stock, the objective is to favor the taking into account of these elements in order to be able to propose renovations for a quality living environment as well as functional, ventilated, comfortable, and healthy (air quality and sound proofing) to respond to the new expectations and requirements of dwellers.

This analysis will first cover:

- the identification of the risks linked to this type of buildings such as cold bridges, humidity and condensation,
- the elements generating such risks,
- the actions to undertake to solve these problems or limit their consequences on the framework of the building and on the air quality and life quality,
- the new expectations of dwellers (energy efficiency, air quality, comfort of use),
- the new requirements regarding standards and the compliance of works with these standards, lifestyles and health.

This first part and desk research - a comparative analysis - will enable partners to gather data in order to get a state of the art on the topic. This is innovative as there is not such survey up to now. Most of the time, the surveys are partial and deal with a part of our topic: either pathologies of the building due to wear, obsolescence or lack of maintenance and their consequences for the building itself, others to new lifestyles generating new layout of flats, and some others about the consequences of obsolescence on air quality and health.
More, the issue is quite recent as many towns and real estate agents face the need for renovation of concrete building recently. The idea is to deal with this issue globally and take all these aspects into account. As a consequence, it is necessary to upskill craftsmen (dealing with insulation, ventilation ...) so that they are able to analyze a flat or a building in a comprehensive way - energy efficiency, health and comfort - to bring an innovative answer taking into account more than the technical aspects linked directly to their trade.

The second part will enable the partnership to consolidate the basis for the curriculum. It will collect and gather data concerning the way the maintenance of concrete building is dealt with in various qualifications in link with energy efficiency and other matters such as air quality. A specific focus will be made on the issues and topics identified in the first part, that will be embedded in this consolidation. The survey will target EQF levels 4 and 5 diplomas. The study will include all trades impacted by the renovation of concrete buildings, whether in terms of energy saving or health and well-being.

This survey will put the emphasis on the fact that different trades are impacted and that different trades need to work together in order to suggest a relevant and appropriate answer to renovate adequately.

This output is expected to raise awareness among professionals and VET providers and demonstrate the need for a global answer, Thanks to this work, the partnership will identify training needs in order to be able to devise a new training pathway dedicated to the renovation of concrete building. Gaps will also be identified and this analysis will enable partners to determine the skills, competences and knowledge relevant for professionals dealing with concrete renovation.
This report will be an important input for the development of awareness as said above and also understanding of stakeholders; it will be particularly important to develop further curriculum and learning materials and elaborate a global approach professionals will implement.

To see the national reports, please click on following links: